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Rest API REST API Documentation

Create PDF from HTML string

This endpoint allows you to convert HTML to a PDF document.

HTTP Request

POST https://brewpdf.com/api/create

Request Body

  "code": "String of HTML content to be converted into PDF."

Request Type



The API will respond with the following:

  • Success: HTTP 200 OK with PDF file stream.
  • Failure: HTTP 4xx/5xx with a JSON response containing the error message.

Usage Example

curl -X POST brewpdf.com/api/create \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"code": "<h1>Hello, World!</h1>"}' \
-o output.pdf

Create PDF from URL

This endpoint allows you to convert the content of a URL to a PDF document.

HTTP Request

POST https://brewpdf.com/api/create

Request Body

  "url": "URL of the webpage to be converted into PDF."

Request Type



The API will respond with the following:

  • Success: HTTP 200 OK with PDF file stream.
  • Failure: HTTP 4xx/5xx with a JSON response containing the error message.

Usage Example

curl -X POST brewpdf.com/api/create \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"url": "https://brewpdf.com"}' \
-o output.pdf

Create PDF from URL using GET

This endpoint allows you to convert the content of a URL to a PDF document using a GET request.

HTTP Request

GET https://brewpdf.com/api/create?url=[URL]



The URL of the webpage to be converted into PDF. It should be URL encoded if necessary.


The API will respond similarly to the POST requests:

  • Success: HTTP 200 OK with PDF file stream.
  • Failure: HTTP 4xx/5xx with a JSON response containing the error message.

Usage Example

curl "https://brewpdf.com/api/create?url=https%3A%2F%2Fexample.com" -o output.pdf
Ready to get started? Create PDF from HTML