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Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Does BrewPDF Temporarily Store Your Converted PDFs?

How Long Does BrewPDF Temporarily Store Your Converted PDFs?

Secure and Convenient Download

When you use BrewPDF to convert your files to PDF format, we ensure that the process is both secure and convenient for you. Your converted PDFs are temporarily stored in your browser's cache, allowing you to easily download them without any hassle or delays.

Browser Cache Storage

The temporary storage of your converted PDFs takes place in your browser's cache. The browser cache is a local storage area on your computer or device that stores data temporarily, including images, scripts, and other files required for website functionality. By leveraging the browser cache, BrewPDF enables quick access to your converted files whenever you need them.

Privacy and Data Protection

At BrewPDF, your privacy and data protection are of utmost importance to us. We want you to feel confident in using our service without any worries. Therefore, we want to assure you that we never store your converted PDFs on our servers. Prioritizing your privacy, we rely solely on the temporary storage in your browser cache, ensuring that your files remain secure and protected. You can trust us to handle your documents with the utmost care and confidentiality.

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